A new Catholic Holiday to Celebrate Catholic Men’s Conferences


    1. A Catholic Men’s Conference is a gathering including inspiring Catholic speakers, Holy Mass, Confession, Adoration, & Fraternity. It is a daylong event for spiritual healing and renewal. The conferences will feature the best in men’s speakers and draw out the best from the men who attend. It’s where Men seek and find more Faith. The Catholic men’s speakers share their wisdom and their stories to help inspire others to follow Christ more fully.
    2. CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE DAY is a HOLIDAY to honor the genius of Catholic Men’s Conferences and to inspire MEN to attend a conference near them so they can give their best to the Catholic Church and their families.


Catholic Men’s Conference DAY is a Holiday that will point the way to faith-boosting, life-altering Catholic Men’s Conferences in your area. It’s a Holiday meant to fire up Catholic men and make them WANT TO ATTEND an upcoming Catholic Men’s Conference.  It is our call to Catholic men across the U.S. to rise to the challenge to become all that they can be in Christ. This celebration will inspire men to live out their Catholic faith in a more authentic way. 



Take time to research on this website where your nearest Men’s Conference will be held, gather like-minded men together for the event, get your tickets, and prepare for one of the most inspiring times of your life. Volunteer to help if you like. Conferences can always use men with gifts and a willingness to bless others with their time, talent, and treasure. Come ready to share your Catholic faith and go forth from the conference ready to make the world a better place for Christ!

These conferences provide times for personal reflection, intimate fellowship, and meditative prayer. Men will be encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Confession and invited to celebrate the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Outside groups will offer opportunities to get involved in local, regional, and national apostolates. Ultimately, it is meant to be a blessing, an open door to the Savior and a gift of faith. Men, you’ll leave your event with a greater desire to love your families well, share your faith with other men, and serve the Church that has called you to this great and lasting hope.


You’ll learn all about these unique spiritual events, the dynamic Catholic speakers who will be featured, and the ways in which you can use these conferences to dive deeper into your faith. Whether your event comes before Advent or Lent, you’ll be led to a greater and more authentic relationship with the Savior who gave his life for you. You’ll be challenged to become better husbands, fathers, brothers, and men. You’ll discover what it means to help shape the Church that is continually shaping you. In short, you’ll come to a place where you can become a more genuine follower of Christ.

Top 5 Reasons to Attend a Catholic Men’s Conference:

1. **Spiritual Growth**: Experience a deepening of faith and strengthen your spiritual foundation. 2. **Community and Brotherhood**: Connect with like-minded men, share experiences, and build a strong support network. 3. **Inspiring Speakers**: Hear from dynamic speakers who provide valuable insights and perspectives on faith, life, and purpose. 4. **Practical Tools for Daily Life**: Gain practical advice and tools to navigate challenges faced by men in today’s world. 5. **Renewed Purpose**: Leave with a renewed sense of purpose and direction for your life’s journey.  

Top 10 Comical Reasons Men Might Attend 🙂

1. **Free Donuts**: Because, let’s be honest, who can resist free donuts? 2. **Avoiding Yard Work**: A day at the conference means a day off from chores! 3. **Napping in Peace**: Sneak in a nap without anyone bothering you. 4. **Impress Your Mother-In-Law**: Earn some extra brownie points with the family. 5. **Temporary Escape from Dad Duties**: A day to pretend you’re not on diaper duty. 6. **Mastering the Art of the Awkward Hug**: Learn to navigate those tricky social situations. 7. **Perfect Excuse to Wear Your Lucky Socks**: Finally, the world will see them! 8. **Dodge that PTA Meeting**: It’s on the same day, right? 9. **Upgrade Your Wardrobe**: Get a stylish new conference T-shirt! 10. **Become the Family Guru on Religious Trivia**: Drop some knowledge bombs at the next family gathering.  


Smooth Invitation!

How did we invent this unique Holiday?

  1. WE DISCERNED about the Catholic Men’s Conference movement as a growing experience of being and becoming, of discovering our worth as men and answering our call to follow the Holy Spirit in all we do! These conferences inspire many personal apostolates – helping men to serve the One who came to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. CMC’s are typically run by volunteers who give of their time, talent, and treasure ‘in the trenches’ to reach out to their brothers and those who are seeking Christ, to bring meaning to the living out of the Catholic faith as men.

  2. THEREFORE, The Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference founded CMC Day to tell the world about this conference movement to rejuvenate Catholic practices in the United StatesThe website helps all conferences answer the question – WHY SHOULD MEN GO? And provides a non-committal way for men to check out the websites of dozens of men’s conferences throughout America.


GIFT yourself a personalized Catholic Men’s Conference Day MUG or T-Shirt.

It’s awesome (BUY Mug here!) (BUY T-Shirt here!)

Website pic to personal CMC Mug
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Website pic to personalized T-Shirt
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