To all Catholic Dioceses in the United States
Announcing National Catholic Men’s Conference Day with a testimony of faith

Being a Catholic Man is a challenge.
Have you considered the truth that you can be holy? Don’t you want to be a Saint? Have you developed a relationship with Jesus? Isn’t it true that if you ask any Catholic man how to do all of those things he will give you ‘his own’ method about becoming closer to Jesus, closer to holiness, closer to becoming a saint, and closer to going to Heaven? They might say that you need to go to Mass more, Say the Rosary more, Pray every day more, Read the Bible more, be inspired more, be more like Jesus, treat the poor like you want to be treated, be more charitable and to do it all with great humility. That is overwhelming, so you and I start to look for tools to help us with the Faith. A Catholic Men’s Conference is a great tool!
Personally, I was given the opportunity to attend a Catholic Men’s Conference twelve years ago. I found other men battling to improve their spirituality like I was. I spoke with many introverted men like me. There were men who attended mass every week. I found men like me who had not been to a Saturday afternoon confession in years. I found men excited about their Faith but they were also looking for guidance. In other words, I found like-minded men who had common struggles. We discussed our pastors and admitted that they really didn’t know our spiritual needs. We had no spiritual direction. I found that the men’s conference experience helped direct me to add “just one new thing” in pursuit of holiness and that after that first event, I started to receive direction from my “holiness compass”, the feeling that the Holy Spirit had awoken in me!
I have spent the last dozen years pursuing a better Catholic Men’s Conference… and started to lead ours just five years later. I love the Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference and will share my experience with anyone who asks about it. I am not selling it. I am truly evangelizing to my brothers. Sometimes I feel like an apostle for the Men’s Conference movement.
The idea struck me last summer. Why not begin a Catholic Men’s Conference Day? Place it during Ordinary Time about six weeks before Advent. It is a somewhat dry spiritual time for many. Let this holiday give Catholic men an explanation of the men’s conference movement and an easy to use tool to find Catholic Men’s Conferences LIVE & IN-PERSON and in their area. On the holiday, use our website to learn about the elements of a men’s conference and look at the directory of conferences.
October 17th is national Catholic Men’s Conference Day. The official website is or shorter
I’m going out on a limb to suggest that you share the Catholic Men’s Conference Day with everyone you know and with every media outlet you can access. On October 17, I pray, millions of men will surf the internet and find where their local Catholic Men’s Conference will be held. And afterwards, I hope that they join me as an apostle of the Catholic Men’s Conference movement.
Announcing National Catholic Men’s Conference Day with a testimony of faith,
Ken Santopietro, Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference
A man’s mind plans his way,
but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9